PortoNovo, Italy
25 July (Monday) to 28 July (Thursday), 2016




“The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields totally independent of each other by their nature,” A. Einstein - Nobel lecture 1923.

“No fairer destiny could be allotted to any physical theory, than that it should of itself point out the way to the introduction of a more comprehensive theory, in which it lives on as a limiting case,” Einstein, Relativity, 1916.

Space-time is solidly connected with the physical phenomena occurring in it, so that its features and its very nature do change with the features and the nature of those. Not only space-time properties affect phenomena, but reciprocally phenomena do affect space-time properties. One recognizes in this 'Principle of Solidarity' between phenomena and space-time a mutual dependence between entities that is peculiar to modern science.(Bruno Finzi Principle of Solidarity in "Fifty Years of Relativity")


Chairmen Profs. Richard L. Amoroso, Peter Rowlands, Louis H Kauffman and Gianni Albertini

Keynote Speakers:


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